What are you waiting for? Let's define your style and learn how to dress for your body type!

I have spoken to so many of you who say you need me. You know I can help you to look and feel your best. You know that your closet needs help and you're sick of not putting your best foot forward. You want to be confident and to portray your best assets.

You say, "I'm going to hire you, I just need to lose these last 10 pounds." You can insert "...lose the baby weight" or "...start going to the gym more" or whatever excuse you decide to make.

I'm going to get real for a minute.

That may never happen.

You may never reach that goal!

Let's be super honest here, you had a few kids. Your body has changed. You're a little softer. Your body is not what it used to be, and it may never go back to how you remember it.


This does not have to be a bad thing. This does not mean you don't deserve to look and feel good RIGHT NOW, in THIS body.

First, forget about the size of your clothes. The number on the tag means nothing. Vanity sizing is a thing, it's meant to make you feel a certain way about the number on your pants. But honestly, it's how clothes fit and how you feel that is more important.

The truth is that throughout life, our weight and shape change - especially after having a baby. That can be really hard to admit and to work with when you don't know what to wear. Dress for your body type, the body type you have now. Stop beating yourself up and start honoring your body.

If I am being honest, you probably need me more when you DON'T feel good. I do this work to empower women to feel good, to increase their confidence. In fact, this may be the help you need. When you feel better and more confident, you make better choices when it comes to the gym, food, and self-care. When you stop focusing on changing your body, you may start to be happier with it, which makes it easier to honor your body and give it more of the good stuff.

Stop using your body as a crutch. Try moving forward and embracing it. Learn to dress for the body you have so you can appreciate it as it is. 
Honestly, dressing right is a lot easier than losing weight. 

So what does that mean? Here are some things you can do that will make you feel better and more confident right now, just as you are:

  • What do you like about yourself? Make a list of positives about the body you have now or your personality. This is more than just "emphasize a small waist," this is about embracing what you LOVE about yourself.

    • Highlight and accentuate those points. 

      • Do you have beautiful blue eyes - let's focus on those! Wear some blue shirts, necklaces, earrings

      • Do you love the texture in your hair? Where a shirt with some texture to show it off. 

      • Do you love your sense of humor? Invest in some t-shirts with fun sayings.

      • Are you creative? Make a switch to some quirky glasses or add in a funky bracelet.

personal stylist

Wear a ruffle top…

to highlight textured hair

  • Avoid following trends that aren't meant for your body. If you don't love your bottom half, stop wearing skinny jeans, they're not serving you. Instead, try straight cut jeans or boot cut to balance your body. 

Melanie lippman style consultant , Melanie lippman, style consultant, personal shopper, wardrobe stylists, shop your closet, wardrobe overhaul, wardrobe consultant, shopping, personal style, personal stylist, shopping help, what to wear, how to dres…

  • Have some tricks on hand to camouflage what you don't love. 

    • Try a ruffle top to hide a bigger midsection. 

    • Don't wear a ruffle shirt if you don't want to draw attention to your curly hair.

    • Choose thick straps, instead of spaghetti straps, if you're trying to hide bigger arms.

    • Wear dark colors on least favorite parts of your body and bright colors where you want to draw attention. 

Melanie lippman style consultant , Melanie lippman, style consultant, personal shopper, wardrobe stylists, shop your closet, wardrobe overhaul, wardrobe consultant, shopping, personal style, personal stylist, shopping help, what to wear, how to dres…
  • In all cases, you can never go wrong with drawing attention to your face. We want people to be listening to YOU! Wear the fabulous shoes but wear a scarf, necklace, or earrings in the same color as your fabulous shoe so that the attention is on you and what you have to say.

These tips can help, but really, stop hesitating and reach out. I can help you develop the right mindset. It is easier to make excuses than to fix something, but nothing is going to change unless you do. 

Let's have an honest, judgment-free conversation about the body you have now and take baby steps. This is a process! Start where you are now.